Potted Plants

Potted plants are a lovely alternative to a bouquet of flowers, and depending on how well the recipient cares for it, will last longer too!!  The benefits of potted plants are vast, and one of the most important benefits in our opinion, is that they cleanse the air in our homes.  Whether we actively choose it or not, pollutants are in our homes and the air we breathe, cleaning products and vehicle emissions being major culprits, and it is good news that there are natural ways to deal with these problems we are faced with, which destroy our health and wellbeing.  Lucious, green, leafy potted plants (the healthier the better) cleanse out air and bring life into the room, enhancing our homes and lives.

Have you ever noticed the difference in a rooms vibration once potted plants are taken out of the room?  Try it and see!  Placing a plant next to your computer will lift the vibration in that area, and putting a lovely leafy plant in an empty corner will improve the flow of energy in the room…

Like humans and animals, plants are living, breathing beings and need specific care depending on their species.  To ensure that you are caring for your pot plant correctly, read the care label on the plant when you purchase it, and position your plant where suggested.  Don’t put a plant near a cold draft and many need to stay out of direct bright sunlight.  Palms and other large leaf plants need to be dusted with a damp cloth regularly as they breathe through their leaves, and most plant stores sell fertiliser you can add to water to make sure your plant is getting enough nutrients.

As you know, plants come in all shapes and sizes to suit all personalities, from dangerous looking cacti, to breathtakingly fragile orchids… some of which we are loving stocking in the shop right now.

How many plants do you have in your home?  And what are your favourite type?

Have a great week, from the Best Family

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2 Responses to Potted Plants

  1. Kermit Hale says:

    I have a Royal Charles leafy house plant that has lovely green leaves with purplish stems and under-leaf color. Where can I find information about sunlight and watering and feeding? The instruction tag just said water when soil is dry, mist-spray daily. I have Miracle-Grow soil so I do not have to add plant food for 6 months, do I? Also, the pot is a hanging on near a window, should I lower it so it gets direct lighting or raise it so it is not directly on it?

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